The gourd banjo, in any of its forms, has an earthy, mellow
sound. Below you'll find MP3 files (songs in digital format),
and associated TAB (tablature) files for that song, if available.
To download the
files, right-click the link and select 'Save Target As'.
To use the TEF file, which has midi and musical notation, you will need TablEdit or the TEF free viewer at http://www.tabledit.com/tefview/index.shtml
Copyright Information
* Liza Jane by Bob Thornburg
from the CD "Gourd Musical Instruments", meant to accompany
the book Making Gourd Musical Instruments, by Ginger
Summit and Jim Widess. Song provided by permission of Jim
Widess and Bob Thornburg.
** Old Virginny Jig by Clarke Buehling from the CD "Gourd Musical Instruments", meant to accompany the book Making Gourd Musical Instruments, by Ginger Summit and Jim Widess. Song provided by permission of Jim Widess and Clarke Buehling.
** God Don't Like It, I Know, (and Others) by Frank Lee as recorded
by Great Smokey Mountains TV in November 2005. Song provided by permission
of Frank Lee and Great
Mountains TV.
** Calico by Erynn Marshall and Arnie Neiman from the CD "Erynn Marshall,
Calico" published by Merriweather Records Ltd. Song provided by permission
of Erynn Marshall and Arnie Neiman.
** Pretty Little Miss by Mary Z. Cox from the CD "Banjo Dreamin' Suwannee
Nights" published
by Mary Z. Cox. Song provided by permission of Mary Z. Cox.
** Too Much Music by John Balch, published by Magic Bow Music (BMI)
copyright 2002 John D. Balch. Song provided by permission of John Balch.