~ Monday, April 09, 2007
This is the first of several updates to the site. New Songs Added 4-9-09 The Little Carpenter, voice and banjo from Sarah Grey A number of tunes by Frank Lee, voice and banjo - this is a video Bile Them Cabbage Down by Cathy Barton Rocky Mtn Goat and Snake River Reel by Lucas Pool Pretty Little Miss by Mary Z. Cox Calico, full band and vocal from Erynn Marshall and Arnie Naimen Coming soon will be some new tunes from Adam Hurt and re-recording of some of his others. Coming soon also will be images from the 2007 Gourd Banjo Making Workshop.
This is the first of several updates to the site. New Songs Added 4-9-09 The Little Carpenter, voice and banjo from Sarah Grey A number of tunes by Frank Lee, voice and banjo - this is a video Bile Them Cabbage Down by Cathy Barton Rocky Mtn Goat and Snake River Reel by Lucas Pool Pretty Little Miss by Mary Z. Cox Calico, full band and vocal from Erynn Marshall and Arnie Naimen Coming soon will be some new tunes from Adam Hurt and re-recording of some of his others. Coming soon also will be images from the 2007 Gourd Banjo Making Workshop.
~ Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Changes to the site as of June 1, 2004 include: 1. Addition of a Thornburg reproduction of an an extant gourd banza in the Paris Musee de la Musique. This four string banza (three long and one short) was registered into the museum's collection in 1872 and noted as representative of the instruments being played by the slaves of Haiti. This is on Bob Thornburg's gallery page. This is an important find, and I hope to have more on this if I can ever get my history page going! 2. Addition of two new builders in the Short Takes page: Philippe Revel from France and Jeff Menzies from Canada. I'm sure we will be seeing more from these builders. Jeff is focusing heavily on making gourd banjos. 3. Update on the next gourd banjo workshop. I have decided to do one more at the Ozark Folk Center. Also an image from the last workshop. I got very good images of the banjos made here and hope to post in the future. 4. Addition of another banjo I made to D Hyatt's gallery page - check out the inlay; I like to make surprises like that... 5. Chris Brooks sent me some bio information on Horger Knight; I've added that in the Short Takes gallery. 6. Some songs added over the last few months to the Music page: ..Morceau (Hyatt/Buehling) ..Juba (Hyatt/Buehling) (patted and also dotted note patterns) ..Buck Dance (Hyatt/Buehling) ..Soldier's Joy (Donald Zepp) (awesome picking and awesome recording) 7. Information added in January for my Board-A-Gourd program.
~ Monday, December 22, 2003
BIG CHANGES on the site!! 1. Profile on Pete Ross in the Craftsmanship area - finally!! 2. Update to Bob Thornburg's gallery 3. Update to David Hyatt's gallery 4. More songs in the music area, including some from Adam Hurt, Donald Zepp, and Brad Leftwich 5. Some "Short Takes" added Craftsmanship area: Curtis Harrell; Walt Lysack; Horger Knight. Enjoy. David
~ Friday, October 31, 2003
We have added a page with information about the Gourd Banjo Making Workshop in Mountain View, Arkansas March 21-26, 2004 at the Ozark Folk Center. This promises to be a great week. Go to the Craftsmanship page to see this link.
~ Thursday, August 07, 2003
We have updated the gourd banjo website with a few great songs and interesting articles that you may find of interest: Music Added Cumberland Gap (and tab), Sally Ann, and Stillhouse as played by Adam Hurt on 3.5 string gourd banjo made by Pete Ross. Added Waterbound and Grasshopper Sitting on a Sweet Potato Vine (with tabs) as played by Mike Neverisky on a 4.5 string banjo made by Curtis Harrell. Added Pompey Ran Away (and tab) as played by Pete Ross on one of his banjos Bio's Added article on Scott Didlake written after his death by Bob Carlin published in the Old Time Herald in 1997 Added some pages from a letter written by Scott to Clarke Buehling in 1985; this has some very interesting ideas reflective of Scott's perspective in 1985; note the page on banjo twirling! Thanks, David
~ Monday, August 04, 2003
Event Notice Provided by George Gibson The non-profit Kentucky Music Museum at Renfro Valley has mounted an exhibit that tracks the history of the banjo from Africa to about 1900, when the banjo assumed its modern form. The exhibit contains instruments, photographs, sheet music covers, playbills and other items related to the history of the banjo. The first section of the exhibit contains African instruments and gourd banjos; the second section contains instruments from the minstrel banjo era; and the third section contains instruments from the classic banjo era. A final section is devoted to lady banjo players. Most instruments and ephemera are from the collection of George R. Gibson. Bob Thornburg, Daniel Jatta and Ulf Jagfors loaned instruments for the exhibit. The exhibit will be available for viewing for at least one year beginning in August 2003.